Industrial X-ray imaging

This is not a scan of a baby food jar. It is a child eating safely.

For end-user safety, quality assurance and minimized waste, we provide the widest variety of robust off-the-shelf detectors for demanding industrial environments.



For premium food safety and quality, we offer application-optimized solutions that range from TDI and multi-view to dual- and multi-energy.

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Automotive industry

Quality cannot be dismissed, when manufacturing critical automotive parts. With us, you may take non-destructive testing to a next level.

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Recycling and sorting

Efficient recycling relies on efficient sorting. You have that with X-rays that are boosted by our efficient detector solutions.

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X-rays are powerful for sorting and grading minerals, and conveyor belt inspection — especially when our solutions are involved.

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Other industrial applications

If you are seeking boost for aerospace, agriculture, energy, forest, oil, gas, and medicinal applications, or process control. We are your partner.

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We are a preferred partner for enhancing end-user safety, quality assurance, and production process optimization with the help of powerful X-rays. Our modular and compact detector solutions are designed for demanding industrial environments, and analysis applications that require the highest level of precision.

We provide the widest variety of off-the-shelf detectors that feature reliability, robustness, high sensitivity with a low X-ray dose, and fast scanning speed to meet quality and throughput time requirements. We have TDI-based, multi-view, dual-energy and multi-energy detectors in our portfolio from where to pick the most suitable solution for your imaging needs.

Recommended solutions